Job Training
Eden Streets' mission is to empower communities to grow food, jobs, connections, and hope through farming. By initiating farms in areas with high rates of homelessness, we conduct our Job Training Program to give a hand up out of poverty to homeless populations.
Read more about our program below:
Job Training Program
Our Job Training Program transitionally employs those facing homelessness in an urban farm setting for 16-weeks to facilitate their reintroduction to the workforce, offer therapeutic programs for life skills, and coordinate long term housing and full time employment by the program's end.
Grow Ogden is a job training program. Farm Manager will determine what to plant, and will guide trainees in organic farming on the site. A Program Director will hire trainees, teach them life and job skills, and facilitate relationship building within their cohort. An Advocate will work individually with each trainee to overcome barriers to full-time employment and stable housing.
We are currently hiring Trainees for our Job Training Program!
Are you experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity?
Do you want to re-enter the workforce with social and professional confidence?
We invite you to apply for our 1st 2024 Trainee Cohort!
Please read the job description before applying.
$12 per hour
10 hrs per week
Program Dates:
March 19 - July 9th
Please submit your completed application to:
Electronically: with "2024 Trainee Application" in Subject Line
Mailing Address: c/o Karl Ebeling 4116 Madison Ave Apt A, Ogden, UT 84403