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The Declaration of Common Ground

Eden Streets' Charter

The Declaration of Common Ground proposes community-based farming as a practical solution to society's challenges. It underscores the interconnectedness between individuals, community, and the environment, promoting vitality, compassion, and solidarity. 

Through farming with a social mission, marginalized individuals can attain self-sufficiency while strengthening community bonds. Ultimately, it advocates for harnessing the Earth's resources collectively as a transformative force for positive change.

If you believe:

  • That lives can be relaunched through farming

  • That we have a responsibility for those who lack, struggle, or suffer alone

  • In nature’s power to heal, restore, inspire, fulfill, and enliven people

Then please read our declaration below.

The Declaration of Common Ground

We, members of Eden Streets, mindful of our shared existence and driven by a collective vision for a thriving Earth and an interconnected human family, hereby proclaim this "Declaration of Common Ground." In pursuit of peace, well-being, and abundance, we affirm our commitment to fostering harmonious relationships with Earth and her inhabitants.

Whereas the Creator is the architect and organizer of all life and existence as well as the source of all life and light, the Creator entrusts Earth to humankind for our mutual welfare and stewardship. Creation’s inherent beauty and abundance are woven into the fabric of the Creator's design. Every element in creation, seen and unseen, contributes to the richness of the whole as a balanced ecosystem of living and nonliving. The wondrous and life-promoting design of nature inspires awe. It also affirms the Earth's capacity to provide for all through the wise use and sharing of resources.

Inherent to this creation, each human has immense value. We gratefully acknowledge life, health, and relationships as gifts sustained by Earth. The health of human beings is intertwined with the health of the planet. Engaging with nature has the power to transform individuals and evoke joy. Humans are thereby enriched, invigorated, and revived. Individual well-being stems from the fulfillment of physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs. Engaging in active, purposeful employment is fundamental not only to sustaining self-sufficiency but also to fostering health, well-being, and a sense of self-worth.

Humans thrive within robust, resilient communities that respond to collective challenges. Communities play a pivotal role to guide those most vulnerable toward self-sufficiency. Through partnering together with leaders committed to eradicating poverty, hunger, and homelessness, communities can leverage resources to effectively address these complex challenges. The entire community is thereby unified and economically benefited.

Local farms with social missions cultivate more resilient, healthy, and prosperous communities through empowering those with greatest need. Uniquely and effectively addressing human needs, they rejuvenate life. Growing and sharing food together cultivates joy and connection. Working together on these farms yields transformed lives. These farms serve as a nexus for connecting with the soil, plants, and people. Beyond providing employment and job training, these farms create a naturally healing, supportive space and a secure and peaceful environment for contemplation and small-group sharing. Farm staff, volunteers, and partners collaborate to cultivate food and support trainees as they rebuild their lives through shared experiences that foster the development of life skills and friendships. The farm becomes a home.

Farm trainees who are committed to work are empowered to rebuild their lives. They derive satisfaction and grow confident as they see and eat the fruits of their labors. Utilizing farm and community resources enables personal transformation marked by step-change improvements in well-being, self-care, and personal responsibility. The farm experience can reignite a zest for life and restore a sense of self-worth. Empowered by newfound self-sufficiency, farm trainees choose their next steps to a sustainable quality of life.

Eden Streets establishes farms with social missions to facilitate life-relaunch, reconnecting individuals and strengthening communities while fortifying the local economy. Positive return to the community underscores the wisdom of investing in farms with social missions.
We, therefore, as members of Eden Streets, as responsible stewards of Earth, will honor and respect creation and bring forth more life. We will utilize Earth's resources wisely and adopt lifestyles that harmonize with creation. In cooperative endeavors, we commit to care for the Earth, promote peace, and provide assistance to those experiencing disconnection, vulnerability, or oppression. Accordingly, as Eden Streets members, we will actively advocate for this movement and do what we can to establish farms with social missions.
Appealing to the Creator, relying on the Creator’s grace and power, we pledge to engage in regenerative efforts to steward the Earth, the Common Ground upon which we live, while caring for others and building community as we pledge to each other our lives, means, and honor to do so. In unity, we stand committed to the principles and actions outlined in this Declaration of Common Ground, inspiring a shared journey toward a sustainable, harmonious, and abundant future.

Reverently, respectfully, and humbly submitted,


Farmer Karl, Executive Director of Eden Streets 


15 February 2024. © 2024


Contact Information:

c: 484-636-8150

We empower communities to grow food, jobs, connections, and hope through farming.  


Eden Streets is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 85-2555620

© 2024 Eden Streets Inc.

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