Declaration of Common Ground Micro Grant
$500 Award!
Eden Streets is excited to offer our first annual Declaration of Common Ground Micro-Grant to celebrate the important work that farmers contribute to our environment and society! Our most recent publication, Declaration of Common Ground, proposes community-based farming as a practical solution to societal challenges. It underscores the interconnectedness between individuals, community, and the environment, promoting vitality, compassion, and solidarity. By awarding this $500 micro-grant, we aim to empower farmers across the country to continue uplifting their neighbors and cultivating community.
Instructions below!
Application Instructions
1) Become a Member of Eden Streets
2) Follow Eden Streets on Social Media
3) Video record yourself reading the
4) Complete The Application
Applicant Eligibility:
US resident
Farm on 3 acres or less
Individual, organization, and businesses invited to apply
Grant Applications are open from
April 1st through April 15th.
Applicants are informed on status on April 18th.
Videos to be spliced for release on Earth Day!
Best entry on 100-word essay answering
"What does it mean to be a farmer?"
wins $500 micro grant!