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Declaration of Common Ground Micro Grant

$500 Award!

Eden Streets is excited to offer our first annual Declaration of Common Ground Micro-Grant to celebrate the important work that farmers contribute to our environment and society! Our most recent publication, Declaration of Common Ground, proposes community-based farming as a practical solution to societal challenges. It underscores the interconnectedness between individuals, community, and the environment, promoting vitality, compassion, and solidarity. By awarding this $500 micro-grant, we aim to empower farmers across the country to continue uplifting their neighbors and cultivating community.

Instructions below!

Application Instructions

1) Become a Member of Eden Streets


2) Follow Eden Streets on Social Media




3) Video record yourself reading the

Declaration of Common Ground



4) Complete The Application

Applicant Eligibility:


  1. US resident

  2. Farm on 3 acres or less

  3. Individual, organization, and businesses invited to apply

Grant Applications are open from

April 1st through April 15th.

Applicants are informed on status on April 18th.

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Videos to be spliced for release on Earth Day!

Best entry on 100-word essay answering

"What does it mean to be a farmer?"

wins $500 micro grant!

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